Professional development and job crafting

Smart employers know the world of work has changed. The smartest employers know workplaces that prioritise the development and retention of their people experience higher employee engagement and performance levels across the board.

I have worked with many clients who, for a variety of reasons, are no longer enjoying their job, yet feel a strong level of engagement and connection to their workplace and do not necessarily want to leave. I also work with many women on maternity leave, who as they approach their return-to-work date realise their existing role is no longer the best fit for them and would like to explore other options within the organisation, as well as increasing their confidence after a period away from the workforce.

If you are interested in asking your organisation for coaching, or you are an employer who would like to provide this invaluable service to your workforce, please get in touch here.

When organisations take steps to retain their talent, everyone wins.

“After three months of coaching, I have a clear career path, a greater sense of my value and am in the process of negotiating a different role within my organisation. Coaching with Hannah should be mandatory!”


- Rebecca, Executive Leader, Advertising and Brand Agency, Melbourne


Outplacement support

Outplacement support is a valuable part of the exit process for an employee who might be leaving for reasons outside of their control. It can play a pivotal role in not only supporting the person leaving in finding their next great new job, but also in ensuring the employer/employee relationship concludes on positive terms. 

I have supported many clients through redundancy, whole organisation closure, and other circumstances which have meant their employment has not been able to continue. 

My coaching packages provide end-to-end support for departing employees and include coaching to establish what their next career move is and determine a plan or pathway to that role, CV writing, LinkedIn profile updating, cover letter and key selection criteria training and support, interview coaching, and cultivating a success mindset to ensure they make the transition confidently and in a strong position to secure their next job without a lengthy gap.

What I loved about working with Hannah was her holistic approach. It wasn’t just the practical, tangible things like finessing my CV and cover letters, it was also that she challenged me about the limiting beliefs and stories I was telling myself (in a supportive way, of course!). Having someone objective in my corner as I applied for roles, attended interviews, and got knock backs, meant I didn’t lose sight of the value I could bring to the right organisation. She kept me on track and motivated, and provided useful guidance and a different perspective that was so valuable, especially in the more challenging moments of my job search.

I secured a new role with an offer far beyond what I could have hoped for during the period I was working with Hannah, and she played a key role in this result.
— Andrea, People & Culture Leader, Melbourne

Please contact me to discuss corporate coaching in more detail or for a quote tailored to your organisation’s needs.
