Helping women create careers they love through career coaching.

I help professional women create careers they love, secure amazing roles and negotiate better deals, through coaching, strategy and standout CVs.

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Hannah at table with book

You‘re here because you want clarity around your career goals, the courage to pursue them, and the strategy and tools you need to achieve them.

I work with a range of professional women to help them do exactly this - and much more.


Work With Me

Small Circle - professional career coaching and strategy

Coaching & Strategy

Small Circle - professional resume writer & cover letters

CVs & Cover letters

Small Circle - internal communications and engagement consulting



"When we try to pick anything out by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." ­

– John Muir


Latest on the blog


When clarity meets alignment you’re winning. Align work, life and play with your core values and everything becomes easier. Clearer. Lighter.

