‘What’s next, Mama?’ 3-Month Career Realignment Program

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And just like that, maternity leave ended – what’s next, Mama?

Founder Hannah at home in chair with hot drink

To the career professional mums, I see you, I feel you, I have been where you are now.

Many women are completely unprepared for how much their feelings about work change after having children. As your priorities shift and the high demands of motherhood consume more of your energy, you might choose to re-evaluate your career options. 

I know how hard it is even thinking about giving your career some attention when you are busy, tired, overwhelmed, and unsure ‘what’s next’.

Are you:

  • about to finish maternity leave and feeling uncertain about returning to an existing role? 

  • already back in the workplace after having children and craving a role which is more in alignment with the woman you are now?

  • finding the juggle between professional and home life unsustainable and interested to explore what other options might be open to you, bringing more balance to life overall?

  • feeling your confidence has taken a bit of a knock career-wise since having children, or a little like you are passed over for promotions or other opportunities to advance for some reason?

  • thinking about a complete career change and worried it seems like too big a move with kids?

If any of these resonate, I can help.

‘What’s next, Mama?’ is a 3-month coaching program lovingly created with busy mums in mind.

At the end of the program, you will walk away with:

  • total clarity on what’s important in your career as your priorities shift

  • a step-by-step plan to achieve a new role, promotion, or career change

  • the courage to negotiate a work deal which allows you to enjoy both a successful career and motherhood, with genuine work/life balance

  • more confidence in articulating your strengths, experience and areas of expertise

  • realistic and sustainable strategies to master the juggle and strike a healthy balance between work and family, with space to fill your own cup

  • tips on how to build a professional network and maintain social connection as a working mother

  • the skills to amplify your impact, working smarter with part-time hours

  • a sense of identity, beyond ‘mum’.

You inspired me to go looking for work I wanted, rather than just taking bits here and there to stay afloat. You will help so many women find their way, right when they are feeling overwhelmed and lost in motherhood.
— Veronika, Journalist and mum of one, ACT

The program is structured as follows:

  • Fortnightly 80-minute coaching sessions (6 sessions in total).

  • Simple and enjoyable activities (non-coaching session weeks) designed to expand your thinking, generate lightbulb moments, and keep momentum high between coaching sessions.

  • A bespoke strategy with clear and achievable steps for you to follow to create a career that you love.

  • A CV refresh and one cover letter (plus all the tips you need to write cover letters that get you noticed, now and into the future)

  • Unlimited email support from me for the duration of the program, to ensure we keep you on track and troubleshoot any challenges before they become overwhelming.

    Investment - 3 monthly payments of $880 ($2,640 in total including GST)

Hannah at desk with laptop

Are you ready to create a career you love, in alignment with motherhood? 

You CAN have, and enjoy, both. The first step is to book a complimentary 30-minute introductory session with me, so we can discuss if working together is right for you.


To be confident asking for what you want in your ‘new life’, you need clarity. Answer the questions in this workbook to help you identify your next career move.

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